The hiring process can be tedious. Generate an eye-catching job description. Sift through dozens, or hundreds, of applications. Decipher WHAT ON EARTH is written on said applications. Enter candidates’ information into data collection system. Find storage for applications, resumes and cover letters (there’s room in a back closet somewhere, right?). And that’s all before interviews
Student Ministry Makes Smart Move – Background Checks for Volunteers
There is a beautiful resurgence happening on a longtime religious property in Northwest Georgia. The Polk Haralson Christian Life Center in the Antioch Community, locally known as Camp Antioch, is now blossoming with visitors and wildlife after a major facilities upgrade project and a wildlife habitat certification from the The National Wildlife Federation. More than
Finding the right volunteers for your organization – Why it pays NOT to pay!
At some point in time we have all volunteered. High school seniors looking to enhance their college applications, college graduates looking to expand on their resumes, parents wanting to be involved in their children’s education and extracurricular activities, and even senior citizens wanting to enrich their lives after retirement, volunteer. Whether to fill time or