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Improve the Safety of Your Vacation Bible School

Ministries across the country are becoming increasingly concerned with protecting the children they serve. Pennsylvania has really lead the charge because of a new state law overhauling its child protection policies. The new law expands the requirements for, and scope of, background checks for people who work or volunteer with children. The law demands that

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Child Safety Training More Important Than Ever Thanks to New Laws

It’s always a step in the right direction when states move to protect our innocent children from abusive predators. Even though the details might be overwhelming or confusing at the start, it’s imperative that organizations, including all faith-based groups, implement them as soon as possible. Pennsylvania took such action in 2014 when its state legislature

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Tired of Sloppy Handwriting? Five Benefits to a Paperless Hiring and Screening Platform.

The hiring process can be tedious. Generate an eye-catching job description. Sift through dozens, or hundreds, of applications. Decipher WHAT ON EARTH is written on said applications. Enter candidates’ information into data collection system. Find storage for applications, resumes and cover letters (there’s room in a back closet somewhere, right?). And that’s all before interviews

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Student Ministry Makes Smart Move – Background Checks for Volunteers

There is a beautiful resurgence happening on a longtime religious property in Northwest Georgia. The Polk Haralson Christian Life Center in the Antioch Community, locally known as Camp Antioch, is now blossoming with visitors and wildlife after a major facilities upgrade project and a wildlife habitat certification from the The National Wildlife Federation. More than

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Why Use Social Security Numbers?

It is quite possible that you may have encountered a candidate who is not comfortable with turning over his/her Social Security Number (SSN) for a background check. Here at Protect My Ministry, clients are commonly faced with candidates questioning the need for their SSN’s to be provided. If you were in the position of those

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Church Management Software

Our Certified Integration Partners have pre-built interfaces with Protect My Ministry.  When working with these Certified Integration Partners you can order and retrieve background checks with ease through your Church Management Software (CMS). If your organization is currently using one of Protect My Ministry’s CMS partners, contact on of our Risk Management Specialists today! Through KidCheck, simply establish an account to

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