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Creating a Safe and Fun Environment for VBS 

Vacation Bible School is a cherished tradition in many communities. It offers children a fun and enriching experience while fostering their spiritual growth. As the summer approaches, the need for volunteers and employees to support VBS programs becomes increasingly crucial. However, while there’s an urgency to recruit volunteers swiftly, churches must also exercise caution to

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5 Ways to Improve Children’s Safety at Your Church

Are the children in your church safe? The unfortunate reality is even within your church walls, countless threats exist that could potentially endanger the children in your care. While there’s no way to 100% guarantee safety, there are procedures, plans, and strategies you can put in place to help protect children. April is Child Abuse

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Different Types of Background Checks and Their Risk-Mitigation Impact

Volunteers play a pivotal role in organizations across various sectors, contributing their time, skills, and passion to support causes that are meaningful to them. While the dedication of volunteers is invaluable, organizations must prioritize the safety and well-being of both volunteers and those they serve. A comprehensive background check process for volunteers is critical in

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What Churches Need to Know About the National Criminal Database Search

Background checks are a critical safety and assessment tool. These screens ensure churches make informed decisions about the employees and volunteers they allow into their organization to work with children, congregants, and to access church resources. But exactly what types of background checks and searches are appropriate? When it comes to a strategic approach to

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Learn more about some of our many partners at Protect My Ministry

Meet our check-in partner – KidCheck Secure Children’s Check-In With KidCheck’s easy-to-use children’s check-in, you get more than attendance tracking, with unparalleled features that create a secure environment for kids and peace-of-mind for parents. Features include: Touchless Express Check-In, Roster Check-In, Check-In Surveys, Integrated Background Checks, Custom Reports, and much more! Plus, training and support

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7 Ways Your Church HR Misses the Mark

Church HR requires a specific balance between compliance and culture and having gaps could cost you money and time, not to mention staff morale and relational capital with your congregation. If you’re juggling 17 different hats (including “HR” anything) but don’t have the time or experience to figure out what church HR actually looks like,

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Tips to Keep Kids Safe at VBS this Summer

Vacation Bible School is such a fun event for kids and volunteers alike. It’s a great opportunity for community outreach and to invite new families to your church. Parents want to know that their kids get to enjoy learning about Jesus in a safe environment. That’s why it’s important to have a VBS safety plan

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Safety First: Background Checks for VBS Volunteers

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a great opportunity for churches to share the gospel with kids of all ages. It is an excellent event for community outreach too. Kids are excited to attend, parents are excited to be kid-free for a few hours a day, and church leaders are excited to teach. The goal of

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